L’Ape musicale

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The "Concert of Concerts" online and in the TELETEXT

Even if the New Year's Concert in 2021 will be a little different – the usual services will once again be available online and via teletext: The ORF.at networks will inform the public about all pertinent details of the program, orchestra and conductor through online offers – such as the websites news.ORF.at and oe1.ORF.at – as well as through the ORF TELETEXT. The ORF -T Vthek ( T Vthek . ORF. at ) will provide a live stream of the T V broadcast throughout Austria as well as through the video - on - demand service for seven days after. This stream will also be included in a multimedia news.ORF.at story about the music event. oe1.ORF.at will additionally offer an audio stream of the concert event (live and on demand).




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