L’Ape musicale

rivista di musica, arti, cultura


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Scene 10

[Farm machinery salesroom, Texas. This is an Allis Chalmers dealership. Lureen and her father, Hog-Boy Tyler, are in discussion. Through the window we see Jack outside, gabbing with a cowboy. They are laughing. Hog-Boy plays the Texas good-ol-boy to the hilt.]


[Coughs, chews on a big cigar. He has a thick Texas accent.]

Rodeo bullrider! Where do you find ‘em?

What happened to the guy that made dulcimers?

And the sanger? He was the worst sanger in the world. Never saw him small once. He had a main disposition.

This rodeo boy is puny. At least he ain’t some kind a mewsician. [coughs]

And you want me to give him a job?


He’s smart, Daddy. And I like him.

I know he’s a little rough,

but he can talk rodeo and ranch with anybody.

He’ll make ranchers feel big enough to buy a combine.

He’ll be a good salesman.

HOG-BOY [giving in]

Lord, I suppose love is bland. Not what I would a picked for my educated little gal. But I’ll give him a job and we’ll seebut don’t you do nothin dumb like marryin the son of a bitch. [He gets in her face.] Are you doin it with him? No, don’t answer. I couldn’t stand to know. Puny little weirdo. [coughs]

[He goes to the window and raps, catches Jack’s eye, beckons him inside.]

Git in here, boy.

[Sotto voce] You little shit.

[coughs spasmodically] I got to quit smokin.


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