L’Ape musicale

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Collaborazione chiusa dopo le accuse di molestie

Leggi anche la risposta del m° Daniele Gatti

Oggi, 2 agosto, il sito della Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra di Amsterdam ha pubblicato il seguente comunicato, in cui annuncia la cessazione immediata della collaborazione con il direttore italiano Daniele Gatti dopo l'articolo del Washington post in merito ad alcuni episodi di comportamenti "sessualmente inappropriati" e alla conseguente presa di posizione di alcune strumentiste della stessa orchestra del Concertgebouw, che hanno lamentato d'aver subito comportamenti simili.

The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra has terminated the cooperation with chief conductor Daniele Gatti with immediate effect.

On 26 July, the Washington Post published an article in which Gatti was accused of inappropriate behavior. These accusations and Gatti’s reactions with this respect have caused a lot of commotion among both musicians and staff, as well as stakeholders both at home and abroad. Besides this, since the publication of the article in the Washington Post, a number of female colleagues of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra reported experiences with Gatti, which are inappropriate considering his position as chief conductor. This has irreparably damaged the relationship of trust between the orchestra and the chief conductor. 

All concerts planned with Daniele Gatti will proceed with other conductors.

Il 26 luglio il Washington Post aveva riportato la notizia della denuncia da parte del soprano Alicia Berneche di aver subito molestie nel 1996, cui ha fatto eco la testimonianza del soprano Jeanne-Michèle Charbonnet, che ha raccontato di aver ricevuto approcci sgraditi a Bologna qualche anno dopo. Il maestro Gatti ha risposto così alle accuse:

All my life I have always been totally alien to any behavior that may be referred to [by] the term harassment, whether psychological or sexual. Every time I have approached someone, I have always done it fully convinced that the interest was mutual.

Nella giornata di sabato Gatti aveva diffuso un'ulteriore dichiarazione:

To all the women I have met in my entire life, especial[ly] those who believe I did not treated [sic] them with the utmost respect and dignity they certainly deserve, I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. Today and moving forward, I plan to focus much more on my behaviors and actions with all women. This includes women both young and old, to be sure no woman ever feels uncomfortable ever again, especially women that I work with in my profession in classical music. I am truly sorry.




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